Microgreens are young seedlings of plants that are widely used for decorating the dishes and for food. They are often added to salads, soups, cocktails, smoothies, and other drinks. All young seedlings contain vitamins C, E, K, minerals and antioxidants in much larger quantities than the adult plants.
On this page you'll find out how to grow microgreens at home. There are also presented some recommendations of the cosmetologist, nutritionist and dietitian, who explains why she chooses a particular variety of young plants, and her signature recipes.
Kohlrabi seedlings have a mild, sweet taste. They are used as an excellent decorative element of gourmet dishes in many restaurants.
Kohlrabi has beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing the intestines of toxins, improves metabolism and overall health of the digestive system. Young seedlings normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, strengthen the bones and connective tissues of the body. A large amount of vitamin C contained in the seedlings strengthens the immune system, stimulates organism's own forces.
We have in store for you:
— high-quality seeds; — a convenient tray; — a perfect substrate.
Follow the instructions, and you'll get fresh young seedlings in a week.
How to grow kohlrabi?
Substrate preparation (Day 1)
Take the seeds and the label out of the container, soak the substrate in water at room temperature for 2 minutes, then drain off the excess water.
Sowing (Day 1)
Scatter the seeds evenly over the wet substrate. The seeds should cover the soil, but not be too close together. Water them with a sprayer. Remember to water every day, the substrate should not be dry.
Covering (Day 1)
Cover the tray not tightly with a lid, leaving gaps for natural ventilation until the seeds have sprouted. They germinate best in the dark. Write the planting date on a sticker and stick it to the end of the container. This will help you know when to harvest.
Plant inspection (Days 2-3)
Check the moisture level daily. Remove the lid a couple of times a day for 10-15 minutes to air the young greens.
Germinating (Day 4)
After 2-4 days, when the cress seedlings start to rest against the lid, remove the lid and move the tray to a window sill in the sunlight.
Growing and watering (Days 5-7)
Don't forget to water your plants. It is best to water the plants in the morning. Young seedlings should be sprayed daily. At the bottom of the container, a constant water level of 2-3 mm shall always be maintained.
Harvesting (Day 8)
You can enjoy fresh kohlrabi as early as 7-10 days of cultivation. It is recommended to use kitchen scissors for cutting. You can cut the desired amount of the microgreens daily or harvest the entire crop and store it in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or container for up to 5 days (like any other salad).
It took 8 days to grow the red kohlrabi microgreens, but you can also eat them earlier once the first leaves have developed.
— Inclusion of kohlrabi greens in the daily diet has beneficial effects on the body: it helps to normalize metabolic processes, improves liver function, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs and systems.
One of the most effective means in the fight with excess weight is considered to be fresh kale, its benefits are the presence of tartronic acid, which has the ability to inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates consumed into fats, thus, to prevent obesity.
Regular consumption of kohlrabi increases immunity and helps the body to resist harmful bacteria.
Leading dietitians of the country recommend it to be regularly used by elderly people suffering from vascular diseases, arterial hypertension, angina and atherosclerosis
Darya Teslenko
Cosmetologist, nutritionist, dietitian
Red Kohlrabi
Microgreens Salad
Shred the red cabbage and mash it with your hands with 1 teaspoon salt until it is soft.
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Peel and cut the pumpkin into cubes. Place on an oiled baking tray and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes.
Roast pumpkin seeds in a dry pan. Grate half of the orange peel. Mix it with the pumpkin seed oil, mustard, vinegar and syrup; the dressing is ready. Add salt and pepper according to your taste.
Peel the orange and cut the pulp into cubes. Mix all the ingredients in the bowl, pour the dressing over them.
Bon appetit!
Сooking method
— 0.25 head red cabbage
— 1 teaspoon salt
— 0.5 pumpkin
— 1 orange
— 3 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
— 4 tablespoons pumpkin seed oil
— 1 teaspoon mustard