Microgreens are a new buzzword among HLS fans and lovers of healthy and organic food. It has already been named the new "superfood", microgreens are discussed and written about by HLS bloggers with an audience of millions, and cafes and restaurants serving healthy and vegetarian foods include it in their recipes.

Microgreens are little seedlings of crops that are eaten before the first true leaves appear on them. It is in this phase that plants contain the maximum amount of nutrients: vitamins, minerals, biologically active components.

What are "microgreens"?

There are many crops grown as microgreens. That is because microgreens are relatively easy to grow. They do not require much space, light and heat. This means that you can grow greens even in the apartment, for personal needs.
a long shelf life of more than three years
popularity of the product, which will soon appear in all stores selling food products
advantageous cost: prices of competitors in other segments are much higher

Our microgreen growing kit has
a lot of advantages

The microgreen growing kit consists of a packet of seeds, mineral substrate, a container for germination, a sticker with the name of the crop and instructions.
With such a kit, anyone, even those who are not into gardening themselves, can easily grow wholesome greens on their windowsill.

We tested a lot of crops and selected those that give guaranteed germination and excellent taste

Among all materials for germination, the most suitable material was mineral substrate that is a new technology in hydroponic growing. In contrast to, for example, coconut substrate, jute or soil, it is sterile and holds moisture well while keeping the plants clean.

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